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suspected ADHd

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Please note: Dr. Wilson is unable to accurately assess ADHD in the context of learning disorder (ie. Dyslexia, Processing Disorders etc.) or significant mental illness dating back to childhood. These circumstances require psychoeducational testing or a referral to a specialty ADHD clinic to tease these conditions apart.

ADHD Collateral Information

Do you suspect you may have ADHD?


As a part of your 2-hour comprehensive psychiatric consultation, Dr. Adriana Wilson can assess you for ADHD provided you have submitted the required Collateral Information


Why is collateral required?


Many adult presentations (such as depression, anxiety, PTSD) can all mimic and /or overlap with a presentation of ADHD. The main distinguishing factor for an ADHD diagnosis is that there must be a history of onset of symptoms prior to age 12 in 2 or more settings. Our own recollection of childhood matters such as these tends to be quite impacted by our current state, hence the need for collateral from this time period.


What if I have no collateral from childhood?


Dr. Wilson cannot fully assess for ADHD as a part of this appointment, and we recommend you pursue further testing for this diagnosis through a psychoeducational assessment who may be better able to tease those things apart, or a specialty ADHD clinic.


Dr. Wilson is still able to see you for a comprehensive psychiatric consultation in which she will screen for other mental health-related diagnoses, and provide you with diagnostic clarification and a treatment plan based on this. 


What other types of Childhood Collateral do you accept?


We welcome anyone who knew you prior to the age of 12 (e.g. parents, guardians, friend's parents, sibling, cousin, aunt/uncle, grandparent, teacher, neighbor, etc.) to complete the childhood collateral questionnaires below, or write a paragraph on their impression of your behaviors during childhood. 


We also welcome any report cards, or written feedback on your behavior as a child (letters from teachers, coaches, extra curricular leaders etc.).  



ADHD Collateral Information Request



1. Childhood Collateral - To be completed by parent(s)/guardian(s) etc.:


Mandatory- Please see note below.


Please ask your parents/guardians from your childhood to complete the following two questionnaires based on how you were when you were young, (ideally before the age of 12 yo):

  • SNAP-IV 26 Parent Teacher Scale

  • WFIRS-P (Weiss Functional Impairment Scale- Parent)

    • Answer these forms based on their impression of you as a child (before age 12).

    • If more than one parent/caregiver is able to answer, please have them complete the questionnaires separately, giving them each 2 forms to complete. 

    • Please note: I cannot make an ADHD diagnosis without collateral information from your childhood. I understand that there are some folks who cannot have a parental figure fill out these forms. If you do not have a parental figure who can complete these questionnaires, please ask someone who knew you when you were younger than 12 years old- Examples: grandparent, aunt/uncle, siblings, cousins, neighbor, childhood friend, teacher, coach, etc. Report cards or written feedback from teachers/coaches etc. can be in lieu of this. 

      • If you do not have any childhood collateral (questionnaires or documents from childhood), then I recommend you pursue further testing for this diagnosis through a psychoeducational assessment or a specialty ADHD clinic

        • I am happy to still see you to complete a comprehensive psychiatric assessment related to other conditions however. 






2. Adulthood Collateral - To be completed by a partner or close friend:


Please ask your partner(s) or friends in your life to complete the following questionnaire, answering based on their experience with YOU in recent years or months. You may ask 1-3 people from your life to complete this form: 

  • ASRS

    • Attention: This questionnaire is written as a self-report, and uses language asking the writer to answer about themselves. INSTEAD, we are asking that your loved one answer the items based on their impression of YOU in recent months or years.  

    • If multiple responders, please ask each person to date and indicate their name and relationship to you on their form. 

    • E.g. it is helpful to have collateral from siblings, partners, close friends, folks who are fellow students or colleagues (if you feel comfortable with this), etc. 





3. To be completed by you (patient):

  •  WFIRS-S (Weiss Functional Impairment Scale- Self Report)

    • Please complete this based on your recent behaviours-  in the past month or so. 

    • This is the ONLY form that YOU complete in this request.






  • I would also welcome any report cards or feedback about what you were like in childhood where available. 

  • Ideally, I would like to speak with one of your childhood collateral responders at the appointment. This can be by telephone, in person if we are having an in person appointment or via zoom. This usually takes ~ 10 minutes. 

    • I recognize this may not always be possible, but if it is please make the necessary arrangements for them to join you for your appointment or be available by telephone at the time of your appointment. 


**** Due Date ***

  • Please submit your collateral information ASAP along with your intake form.

  • If we do not have any collateral information prior to scheduling your appointment, we will send you one last reminder with your Notice of Appointment. We must have your collateral information at least 1 week prior to your scheduled appointment. 

  • If you do not submit collateral information, you are agreeing to proceed with the appointment with the understanding that it will not be possible for me to assess for ADHD.


Submitting Forms:

  • Please email us the completed questionnaires (either PDF documents, or digital pictures of paper copies). 

    • You can also fax us at 902-407-6601

  • Your name MUST be clear on all pages of the questionnaires.

  • If available, please also fax or email us a scan/picture of your report cards/other relevant documented feedback from childhood.

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