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DO I NEED A REFERRAL TO SEE A PSYCHIATRIST?YES you need a referral in order to be assessed by a PSYCHIATRIST (Dr. E. A. Wilson). Please note: As of January 17th, 2025 Dr. Adriana Wilson is NOT accepting new referrals You must be referred by your Family Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Walk-in/Virtual Care Doctor (who is willing to follow through on the recommendations made by Dr. Wilson) and the referral is triaged based on the information provided. Appointments are provided to those who fall within our patient criteria. If you have been seen by Dr. E. Adriana Wilson previously and wish to be seen again, if it has been over 1 year since you were last seen, you must be re-referred by an MD or NP by MSI regulations. Dr. Wilson will review the request and determine if another consultation with her is the best solution for the difficulties identified on the referral. Accepted patient's will be provided with another consultation date. The referring clinician will be notified within 2 weeks of the referral for those who are better suited to be redirected elsewhere. NOTE - A referral does not guarantee you will be seen.
DO I NEED A REFERRAL TO SEE A PSYCHOLOGIST?NO. You may self-refer for an assessment for psychology services (Dr. K. Ryan Wilson). Referrals from other practitioners are also accepted. If you have been seen by a different practitioner in the past (psychiatrist, psychologist, physician, therapist, counsellor, social worker) feel free to send us a copy of any relevant reports that may be helpful for your initial assessment.
WHAT IS THE COST OF YOUR SERVICES?PSYCHIATRY: The cost to see a psychiatrist is covered by your provincial health care system (MSI). Your healthcard must be up-to-date and valid. The province does not cover the cost of late-cancellation or no-show fees. For more details about this process and psychiatry services offered, click here. Please note that you cannot self-refer and pay privately for psychiatry services. PSYCHOLOGY: Services provided by a registered psychologist are not covered by provincial health care. Most private insurance plans (provided by your employer or school) have coverage to see a psychologist. Coverage will vary depending on your plan, please check with your provider. We do not offer direct billing services, however, we will provide you with a receipt including the necessary details for submitting a claim for reimbursement to your insurance provider. The hourly rate for an assessment with Dr. K. Ryan Wilson is: $225 per therapy hour (50 minutes of therapy time, 10 minutes for reporting), initial assessments are typically 2 hours ($450). Payments are accepted by CREDIT CARD, VISA DEBIT, MASTERCARD DEBIT, E-TRANSFER.
IS THERE ANYONE WE DO NOT WORK WITH?There are some cases where it is not possible to provide optimal patient care in a part-time private practice setting. Individuals with the following diagnoses should be referred to the hospital mental health system for their best care: Primary Personality Disorders, moderate to severe impairment Primary Substance Use Disorders, severe Bipolar Disorder (we can provide diagnostic clarification if BD is in question, however we do not see already diagnosed BD to provide ongoing management recommendations) Autism Spectrum Disorder, (*We do not provide assessments for this condition) Neurocognitive Disorders (ie. dementia) Eating Disorders, severe Psychosis (including suspected psychosis) Dissociative Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder Acquired Brain Injuries People with a history of significant violence or volatility Neurodevelopmental Disorders (i.e. Intellectual disabilities)
WHO CAN WE WORK WITH?We provide assessment, recommendations, and treatment for adults dealing with issues such as: Anxiety Depression Interpersonal Difficulties Medical conditions with high rates of psychiatric comorbidity (that often have mental health implications) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Panic Disorder Persistent Depressive Disorder Physical Complaints secondary to mental health Post Traumatic Symptom Disorder Social Phobia ADHD Somatic presentations Sexual dysfunction Sleep issues Dr. Ryan Wilson also works with couples for marital therapy / couples therapy and will see teens in the context of family therapy.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY?PSYCHIATRY Psychiatrists are medical doctors who have additional specialized training in mental health and related disorders. Psychiatrists are able to prescribe medication to help their clients manage their mental health concerns. Psychiatrists may also offer treatment in the form of psychotherapy. Psychiatric assessments offered by Dr. E. Adriana Wilson provide diagnostic clarification, medication and therapy recommendations and suggestions for resources tailored to your personal circumstances. *Please note: Dr. E. Adriana Wilson only provides follow up in the form of group therapy. This consultation and group model maximizes the number of patients they can see in consultation and follow up, allowing them to be of greatest service to to the community and to clinicians in a time of limited resources. PSYCHOLOGY Psychologists hold either a masters and/or doctoral degree in psychology that typically involves 6 to 10 years of university study of how people think, feel, and behave. Psychologists who hold doctoral degrees can use the title “Dr.” A practicing psychologist is trained to assess and diagnose problems in how people think, how they handle emotions, and how they act, as well as how to overcome or manage these problems. A psychologist is uniquely trained to use psychological tests to help with assessment and diagnosis. Psychologists help people overcome or manage their concerns using a variety of treatments or psychotherapies. Registered psychologists have expertise on a clinical level in treating children and adolescents, and also have competency in treating a wide variety of adult concerns. There are some distinctions between psychologists depending on how long they went to school and for what specialization. Dr. K. Ryan Wilson completed his PhD at Dalhousie University and is a Registered Psychologist. He has specialty training in Somatic Symptom Disorders
WHAT IS THE WAIT TIME FOR AN INITIAL ASSESSMENT?PSYCHIATRY: As of January 17th, 2025 Dr. Adriana Wilson is NOT accepting new referrals. Referrals from prior to this date have an approximate 12 month wait from the date of referral. - Please note that Dr. E. A. Wilson's wait times are updated monthly. Referrals are triaged based on the information provided and our office will contact you to schedule an appointment. If you do not fall within our patient criteria or if there is a conflict of interest, a letter will be sent to the referring clinician to inform them within 2 weeks so alternative arrangements can be made. PSYCHOLOGY: Dr. K. Ryan Wilson is currently accepting new clients and the wait time is approximately 4 weeks.
IS THERE PARKING AT YOUR OFFICE LOCATION?Yes! There is a free parking lot available for patients/clients of 620 Nine Mile Drive.
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